
Moving On

When Katie and I met, there was instant excitement. We immediately went into planning swims, meeting up for rides and workouts and planning trips together. We even considered moving out to San Diego together! We were def in the honeymoon phase. We were able to devote our undivided attention to each other and we tried to see each other as much as possible.  2008 Tour de Skyline!   The Katias train kept rolling and all of a sudden I found myself proposing to Katie. Before proposing I thought long and hard since I knew what I was getting myself into. Katie would occasionally have moments of sadness and run away, which is something we worked on to the point where the running away stopped. Another thing was the eating… Katie calorie restricts. 1,200 calories a day and no more. On days when she overeats, she takes laxatives. The laxatives put her in a funk… sadness, crankiness, irritability, no patience… and I would become the punching bag. If she stepped on the scale and didn’t
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